jeudi 8 janvier 2015

Waterloo Knowing my fate isn't with you

 "The song isn't about the Battle of Waterloo and we don't want the record to be part of the exhibition. It gives the wrong signals... Waterloo is a pop song about someone meeting their own Waterloo. It is not about the battle."  that's what the members of Abba respond to the quite risky invitation to celebrate the 200 years ago battle .
it seems that the organisation seem quite to take for granted history! even if Waterloo these days refers for most people to the song , the song is not about the historical event so it's all wrong.
the celebrators seem even to have a grudge around the group by correcting them by saying it's not the defeat of napoleon but to the latin world and french people it's a synonym of defeat !!!

the Abba response is completely justified do journalists get info before they cut and paste assertions without  researching why ?
do they know how Swedish journalists welcomed the members of the group (in 1974) by accusing them of having fun of a battle of thousands of dead soldiers even if the song isn't a bout the historical event and just a metaphoric allusion to the facts !

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