jeudi 30 décembre 2010

Amelia rencontre Agnetha Fältskog M-magasin (suède)

"la meilleure chose dans la vie est qu'on peut tout recommencer"

c'est grâce a lolo murray que cette interview a eu lieu.

lolo qui travaille comme styliste (et maquilleuse pour Agnetha ,

restée en contact avec elle) fait des pages de magazine ,et a suggere

Agnetha comme modèle pour une page de ce magazine , elle est

vraisemblablement notre plus grande star pour ce magazine .les habits

choisi par lolo sont sensés representer la journee ordinaire d'une

star (en dehors du brillant neglige ,ce ne sont pas les choix

habituels d'Agnetha ) ,mais c'est une reussite !

_j'ai (amelia) donc pense pourquoi pas une interview en bonus !

j'ai donc demande a lolo murray qui s'occupe de l'encart fashion

,n'ignorant pas qu'Agnetha etait loin d’etre intéressée par une

interview de magazine ,elle veut la paix .mais qui ne tente rien ...

Et d'un coup de baguette magique ,la star mondiale est là assise sur

mon sofa a Knivsöder (Hornstull) Stockholm!!

Agnetha qui est loin d’etre une diva ne comprend rien a ma joie

(j' envoyait des textos a mes amis pour frimer!)

Elle se vetit de vêtements pratiques , pantalon d'hiver et botte pour

trotter ,elle vit dans une ferme avec sa fille (un privilege en ces

temps ci) Linda (actrice) avec toute sa famille .son fils Christian un

programmeur informatique vit un peu plus loin !

- vous etes une exception ,c'est vraiment pour lolo murray ,mais

j'aime aussi votre magazine !

ce n'est donc pas vraiment le debut d'une vie plus ouverte envers les

medias ?

- pas du tout . je ne m’intéresse pas a la médiatisation .

beucoup pense que c'est calcule (une attitude), que j’exagère sur

mon insécurité. mais c'est vrai . j'ai eu une overdose.cependant ce

n'est pas une retraite, j'ai eu trois albums solos depuis ABBA.

- c'est juste que je ne suis pas a l'aise quand je parle de mon

intimité. je préfère la garder, la proteger. (ce qui signifie qu'elle

ne veut pas de question sur le sujet.)

pensez vous avoir ete souvent mal jugez par les medias ?

- je ne m'identifie pas a la personne terrifiée des medias ,

victime de paparazzi ou autres . c'est quand meme désagréable d'etre

perpetuellement suivi partout. mais ce n'est pas la principale

raison pourquoi je veux rester anonyme . c'est un choix pleinement

assume .je suis très terre a terre et assez equilibre ,je veut juste

qu'on me laisse en paix .il y'a bien sur des limites qui m'ont peur de l'avion mais la therapie l'a beaucoup amenuisé .en

effet agnetha a fêté ses 60 ans a Majorque (trois heures de vol

!)!mais pas plus loin.

que ressent t'on a 60 ans .est il plus dur quand on est belle et

adores par des millions ?

- dans un sens la vie est plus facile .depuis que je ne la voit

plus comme une courbe plongeante, mais le contraire - remontante!

je pense plus positivement .

bien sur votre corps est la pour vous le rappeler ,je ne saute plus du lit

comme a trente ans . vieillir est naturel et inévitable .

c'est une chose que je partage avec tout les

autres ce qui me y'a des chose geniales comme l'experience

,bien se connaitre et connaitre son corps ,ce qui marche et ce qui ne

ne fonctionne plus !

- le plus important est d'etre en bonne sante et humble , d'etre

dans le coup . je peut par exemple utiliser mes deux jambes , beaucoup

de gens de mon age ne le peuvent .je suis grand mèreet je veux les

acompagner aussi longtemps que possible dans leur différentes etapes

de la vie .c'est donc imprtant d'etre en pleine forme .je ne veux pas

qu'il ait une grand mère "ramollie".c'est beaucoup plus important que

le "look".

comment etes vous restée en forme (vous etes fantastique Dans les sessions de

photos ) et dans la vie aussi ?

- je marche et fait un peu de gym, je surveille ce que je mange

,mais sans regime draconnien. je ne croit pas aux regimes a la mode

et n'use que du bon sens .j'adore les petits gâteaux et les glaces

mais je me control depuis quelque temps !

qu'est ce d’être un "top-model" pour une journée ?

- c'est nouveau pour moi car je ne l'ai jamais fait.quand lolo me

l'a suggéré j'ai trouve l’idée intéressante. je m'interesse plus a

la mode depuis quelque temps . peut etre parce que j'ai plus le temps.

je feuillete les magazine de mode , et suis les modes qui vont et qui

reviennent. je m'eclate plus avec les fringues , meme si je ne me sent

pas vraiment une diva des tapis rouges !. je n'ai pas l'endurance


agnetha dort huit heures pour recuperer et adore le silence .elle

choisit une chose a la fois et n'aime pas s'engager dans mille chose

a la fois .car elle en a assez fait avec Abba .une periode dont elle

a suffisement parle.

alors revenons a la mode ...

-la mode c'est du fun , j’apprécie tous les styles et je

fait du lèche vitrines . particulièrement dans d'autres villes ,comme

conduire jusques copenhagen.c'est une ville ou il y'a de super

magasins .c'est marrant comment on peut changer d'apparence ,lolo

sait me mettre en valeur ,c'est fascinant !

quel type de costume aimez vous ,plutot business ,ordinaire ou

fetarde ?

-jolies mais pratique .de bonne qualite car c'est primodiale a

la campagne ,je ne me sent pas glamour !

mais le glamour ne vous manque pas ?

fin premiere partie


deuxième partie

-pas du tout ,mais j’inaugure parfois des premières et rejoins

certaines fêtes. j'ai récemment inaugurer "Mamma Mia !" et c’était tres

agréable .

pour qui chantez vous aujourd'hui ,les chevaux ou bien sous la douche


-le chevaux sont a Linda ,je ne les monte pas ,mais j'aime les

regarder .je chante sur mon piano .j'etais capable de jouer Bach a 12

ans .j'aime jouer .j'ai même pensé un certain temps devenir un

chantre apres la cinquantaine.

je voulais faire quelque chose de très different . mais ca n'est jamais arrive .

avez vous des chansons non parachevés ?

- beaucoup ! j'en ai une malle remplie. j'invente ces incroyable

melodies,mais je n'arrive pas a les finir.

pourquoi ?

- je n'en sait rien . j'ai commence a 15 ans . a 18 ans mon

premier contrat d'enregistrement . a 25 ans ABBA etait formé. apres

ABBA ,trois solo albums. n’étais je pas assez creative ?

ecoutez vous les anciennes chansons d'Abba?

- ca m'a pris du temps pour réécouter de la musique apres les

années abba , j'etais gavée. . mais quand j'entend une chanson comme

"The Winner Takes It All" , je pense qu'on a excelle !! je l'ecoute

notamment quand je suis déprimée ou quand j'ai une baisse d'ego.

avez vous des phases de baisse d’amour propre ?

- j'aurais voulu mieux. mais ca s'est amélioré avec l'age .

toute les femmes n'en souffre pas a un moment ou l'autre ?

pas vous agnetha ,cela ne devrais pas l’être.

mais ca ne doit pas être aussi simple .

est ce "The Winner Takes It All" votre preferee ?

- plusieurs, et parmis eux une , chantee par Frida; "Our Last

Summer".elle merite d'avoir ete un mega tube !

y a t il quelque chose que vous voudriez revivre de cette periode ?

- j'adore le travail en studio .mais la scene ne me manque pas.

bien sur je suis reconnaissante éternellement pour l' amour du public. certain artistes

ne veulent jamais quitter la scene . j'en ai apprecie le plaisir aussi, mais

le vrai plaisir pour moi est le travail en studio. mais etre sous

les spotlights, non. avoir une vie différente,oui .je vie exactement comme j'ai

toujours voulu.

votre fille Linda (dont le papa est Björn ) est actrice.avez vous

essayer de l'en dissuader?

- Non ,elle le voulais depuis se plus tendre enfance. mes deux

enfants ont une force de caractere et ne font que ce qu'ils entendent

. j'ai ete mère poule et souffert de frayeurs qui n'ont cependant pas

affecté mes enfants . ils vivent leur vie avec leurs propres

intérêts et sont devenus des adultes avec des vies responsable

saines , ce qui est pour moi un soulagement vu que j'etais souvent

éloignée , et travaillait dur lorsqu'il etaient petits.

vous avez assez d’argent pour pouvoir passer le reste de votre vie

dans une belle et luxuriante ile de Bora-Bora . profiter du

soleil,se prélasser en faisant la lecture. est ce votre rêve ?

- pas du tout. j'adore etre chez moi .j'ai des probleme avec le

froid ,mais je n'apprecie pas de passer du temps dans un

hôtel.j'avais un flat a paris ,mais je l'ai vendu. je ne rêve plus

d'avoir un appartement ailleurs . je suis tres pantouflarde.

qu'est ce qui est interessant pour vous actuellement ?

- je lis beaucoup,je viens juste de finir 'le mariage' de

Danielle Steel vraiment m'interesse beaucoup a la

médecine et la para medecine. si je n'avais pas poursuivis une carrière musicale

j'aurai voulu étudier la science et peut être faire médecine.

qu'est ce qui est vraiment important?

-être la pour les autres et être une bonne personne.

cette star irréelle assise sur mon sofa aime rester discrete. je lui

apporte du thé et un Lussebullar. il n'ya aucun 'mystere garbo' autour

d'elle . c'est juste une suédoise simple et timide . d'ailleurs elle semblait

penser 'je ne suis rien de spécial' , lorsque je fut éblouie par sa


- je suis tres timide, pas tres social, déjà enfant ,ma mère

disait que j'etais plus heureuse lorsque les gens s'en allait que

lorsqu'ils arrivaient.

je dus naturellement poser la question cruciale : y aura t il une

Réunion d'Abba ? c'est le reve de millions.

- oui et non. nous ne pourions nous reunir pour une tournee a la

Rolling Stones ou autre.mais je ne considere pas impossible de se

reunir dans le future. je n'en ai pas discute avec les autres , c'est

plus un sentiment qu'ils serait bien mais pour une seule fois , pour une

oeuvre de charite par example . cependant elle insiste qu'il n’y a

eu de discussion avec les autres .

y aurait il quelque chose que vous n'avez jamais fait et que vous

voudriez accomplir ?

- oh voudrais chanter la bande son pour une super

production ,comme "Titanic!"

enfin que voudriez vous dire dans une interview :

- la meilleure chose dans la vie c'st qu'on peut recommencer

autant de fois qu'on le veut.

mercredi 1 décembre 2010

ABBA : le de la pop (the ABC of pop)

here is a new interview of bjorn ulvaeus

in the french magazine "les inrockuptible"

-translation first part -

For a long time time Abba was the "band to hate" ,but the group knew how to dictate a songwriting blueprint and popular ,a band sophisticated as brian wilson's.

while the musical Mamma mia is a French triumph we had an interview with bjorn ulvaeus .

Mamma mia ,Abba is back!
after eleven years around the world (ten countries) the musical featuring Abba songs has settled in Paris and is already a success another triumph for a unique pop group in the hole history of pop. the sixties were the golden era for pop ,Beatles went separate ways in 1970 ,end of the feast .but in 1972 ,
in Sweden abba (build of the acronym agnetha bjorn benny and annifrid) take up the glitter,study alchemic formulas of spector and
the beach boys and release first single people need love ,like an echo to the beatles all you need is love.

Abba gave love songs without limits .after eurovision in 74 ,first battle
victory with waterloo,till their separation in 82 ,abba was a irresistible
hit machine , a stream of hits that we couldn't enumerate here,and some for the trip back in time : SOS, Dancing Queen, Take a Chance on Me, Chiquitita, The Winner Takes It All, On and on and on…
the best antidote to the depression and morosity
.then and now
The two "A" of Agnetha and Anni-Frid,the singers (wifes of b& b) brought feminity to the band ,the erotic touch that lacked to beatles and beach boys.
two beautuiful couples in the 70ties hum fantasy.
the symetric name (acronoum, palindrome or anagram, would note linguists) and the band itself perfect .
we love abba for all this but first for the songs ,invention of a pop music universal its root in european folklore ,
carnival music propelled in the milky way.
double function songs , sophisticated and baroque in the details and simple to listen to ,emotion and dance ,intimacy and popularity. Ab(ba)solute pop quintessence.

so "Thank You for the Music", . at the head of top sellers , with
Elvis, Beatles and Michael Jackson, Abba sold 375 millions albums :
the secret Garden the most visited in the world, one of the creative
team Björn Ulvaeus opened the door for a rare interview.

* what was your dream when you started Abba ?

B U :before Abba, i was in another group ,started in 1963.

At 18 , i wanted to have success, to be an idol. but ten years

after, with Abba, i had two dreams above all : music and go outside

Sweden . since the start with Benny Andersson in 1965, we wanted to

write pop songs that would have international impact.

* Beatles stopped in 1970, Abba formed in 1972.did you want to take
over ?

i don't believe so. Beatles are incomparable for me. Benny and i

started writing songs thanks to them. before the Beatles, songwriters were

behind the scene. nobody knew who composed for Elvis. but in 1962, a

band that compose its own songs was there .

like many young fellows, Benny and i thought we could do the same”

* did you have other influences ?

Benny and i used to listen to a large panel of styles :

French,Italian, Scandinavian folk music ,of course American rock and

roll, country.this mix build our background. my first band was a

folk group.

* in the 70s and 80s,you were considered commercial (hit machine),
a band with commercial pop music without real intrinsic
had the success but not the recognition. was it frustrating ?

yes sometimes it's hard. after the eurovision, waterloo was a huge

hit, we had a monster hit. but as soon as the single was leaving the

charts, everybody was sure we were one hit wonder.

eurovision winners were supposed to be like that . for one year long,before

the album featuring Mamma Mia & SOS, music critics dismissed us as a

bubble gum pop band,without future. it was hard sometimes. at the

same time, we sold more records than other bands that we respected

others colleagues, like Led Zeppelin, who understand what kind of

band we were, that our melodies and our records weren't crap !

Abba was not manufactured,the band magnified naturally.

it started with friendship between us two (Benny and me) ,we met the

two girls and felt in love.they were singers,but at the beginning we

didn't predict to make a band !

after the album "ABBA",lot of people noted that we were a true band.

they changed their attitude towards us except the journalists

* Abba was the band that pushed the limits to the pop dimension :your
songs were sophisticated ,ambitious but always made to dance ,never
pretentious ?

I'm proud to hear that .Abba's music is not arty,that's sure but is

honest ,it talks about feelings .it was the best you could have at

the time without any doubt.

* between 73 and 81,there was almost one album per year.was it
deliberate ?

after the eurovision victory nobody could tell us what to do,we had a

total freedom artistically and make our own decision

* did you have a magic formula ?

it was hard to generate a hit every time .there was no formula ,it's

obvious on the records ,just compare "the winner takes it all" and

"mamma mia" ?

* was it hard task to generate all those hits ?

that was our secret ,we took lot of time to compose compared to other

groups of the era .lot of them used to be roadies unlike us.

in ten years ,we toured three or four months ?

we spent the half of the year composing ,we recorded around fifteen songs by year ,

and throw away 95 % of them !

part 2

* how do you describe a good song?

it must be good from the start till the end,every part must be

fantastic and original.not only the chorus but every element .

every part must blend together with harmony ,when we listen to it the

first time : we must feel something special .a perfect song gives you

feeling and imagination.songs like the winner ,fernando ,knowing me

knowing you ,act on the feelings of the listener .that's the ultimate

goal for me .with happy songs like mamma mia ,it was difficult to

show deep feelings but every time we could ,it was my ambition :write

small stories ,where the listener could find something real .

* your songs are often used in films and musicals .did you compose them
as if it was an "imaginative OST" in your mind ?

you could say that. we used to begin with a melody and the

orchestration ,then i write the lyrics.i listened to the music

several time until it brings to me images ,like a "cerebral film"

i write then what i imagined .this is obvious in songs like Knowing Me, Knowing

You or Fernando.

* melancholy is striking in some of your songs ;you made the world
dance to your songs ,but songs that could make people cry ?

you're right ,songs are sad ,with maybe a Scandinavian melancholy

but the sound due to the voice of the girls ,made them exalting with

joy .when we hear an abba song ,in a shop for example ,we only hear

the joy.but there is something else deep inside .and that's the

secret of the longevity of songs like Dancing Queen or Gimme! Gimme!


* how did the image of the band come from ?

at the glam rock era we were intrigued by the look of british bands

like The Sweet, Gary Glitter, the Faces.everybody was wearing the

most incredible costumes .we envied roxy music for their elegance and

thoughtful style.for the eurovision we opted for a special look

, outrageous ,the most memorable one .we also wanted to have fun we

didn't conceive our image seriously .sincerly we were ridiculous only

at the very start.gradually our taste became the more and more

refined !

* at the end of the seventies at the hight of your fame .punk and new
wave did you perceive them et the time ?

i felt something was happening ,that music was changing .in the

eighties ,we were cataloged "out of date" .the eighties were a dark

period for us ,the darkest ages ...

then Abba gold went out ,people started to cover our songs ,things

were getting better .punk and heanvy metal were not for us .we stood

to our roots .we did follow disco music because we love it and we

could merge to it without losing our style .one of the engine of pop

music is emulation.

when we hear a new sound or a new song,we start ...everybody was

inspired by others

* when you went separate ways in 1982 what did you miss the most ?

that pop music matrix (abba) .we couldn't find better after all ,the

voices of the girls were fantastic instruments .i worked with other

singers but it was never the same .

i must correct we didn't break up ,it was just benny and i who wanted

to experiment new fields .for years we talked about doing musicals

."jesus christ superstar" did inspire us more than those broadway

musicals .we did that with chess ,it was just a break for abba .we

wanted to reunite after chess .but it never happened .now it's too

late !

* no reformation ?

no reformation !

* when you stopped with Abba did you feel the end of an era (the
decline artistically) ?

sure ,i felt it at the very end ,we lack something ,at the time i

couldn't tell what it was .but retrospectively i understood that it was

a general fact with all the bands .there was an edge of creativity

that never reached more then seven or ten years .

look at the beach boys ,beatles and many more : it take ten years

,then flamme start to fade away .we can restart but with another

configuration .

we felt it at the time without really understanding it .

we did well ,stopping at that time .

some bands that never stop ,goin on playing their old songs in never

ending concerts ,without renewing , that is quite pityful .

* who are Abba's offspring ,if there is ?

pop music revived in the nineties ,for a long time ,this time

.britney and backstreet boys composers were our fans .but how to cite

a song precisely that could be abba's influence ?

we made so much hits in the seventies that they sure had huge impact

and led people to compose songs ,like the beatles did for us .

* do you hum Abba songs ?

sometimes they stick to my mind .but i never listen to abba songs on

records (cds or internet) but when i drive i listen to the radio and

our songs are of course played .

i really think they stood the test of time .and it's due to our

perfectiveness ,we spent as much in the recording studio as at

composing .if there was a little mistake (bad note) we started all

over again .if we were not happy with some recordings ,we started

another ,and so on and go back to the first one when we felt we had

the solution.

* do you think Abba songs will be played in a hundred year ?

what will happen after my death don't bother me .but i'm still

surprised when i see all the people who listen to our songs today !

everywhere i go around the world they's wonderful ,each time i

wonder why ,but it's a complete mystery .i'm just proud of it .

* what would it have been (your life ) without Abba ?

i sometimes ask myself .destiny is controlled by tiny

events.i was destined to be an engineer .mother did suscribe for our

folk band to a contest .we did participate and it all began.if she

didn't write this letter ,i would have been an engineer.

* what represents music in your life today ?

when i listen to music at home these days ,it's often classical

,mozart .in my car i liten to pop channels .benny and i write some

music together ,less then before .we made kristina,a show we're

gonna take on stage in helsinki next year .

today, i do whatever i want ,so nothing, i have a kind of half-

retirement .

* if there was one memorable event from Abba period what could it be ?

there was lot of memories but i think the moment benny and i

finished "the winner takes it all".we were on holliday at home ,cold

winter ,in the stokholm archipelago,sudenly that marvellous melody.we

spent the night playing it .that was so uplifting,after hard work

,to achieve such result .we worked with every song as if it could be

a potentiel single .i often felt that ,in the studio ,when i

played the latest mixes before release , there was lot of memories like


vendredi 5 novembre 2010


it is 40 years since festfolket
this is an old interview in french of Gus Horn a musician on very early Abba recordings and one time husband of Maritza Horn (ABBA chorist)

J’ai quitté ABBA avant leur succès! (TRIBUNE DE GENEVE)

2 versions of the same interview

Very few Genevans can pretend to have assisted to the birth of a mammoth of pop music.
Gustav Horn ,aka gus, has.

even if some people migh think i am a mythomaniac he said (laughing).
True ! ,when the four future members of Abba have recorded their first opus.
and Agnetha Benny Bjorn and Annifrid (frida) haven't used the acronym yet .

From a music family background ,student at the Geneva conservatoire, Gus

went to sweden in the late sixties ,played with Bob azzam orchestra , then

flew to stockholm and met Benny andersson who was already known with the

hepstars ,this groupe going to implose.

"i met the singer Svenne and lotta his wife then replaced their bassisit who was on tour" .it was spring 69

as confirm it Carl Magnus Palm in his ABBA biographie .Benny left his groupe

and intensifie collaboration with Bjorn who, he knew three years ago ,the

late left his own folk band the hootnanny singers.the two men already in

relation ship with the two women ,already stars ,going to become their

spouses and singers in the band.

the next summer ,1970, in the lycka sessions,he played bass with another

swiss ,john cuonz , a drummer brought by him.he vaguely remembers the

recording sessions .i played a lot of sessions in sweden ,i can't remember

.it was in the metronome studio.they both met michael B Tretow ,

sound ingenieur , crucial in the birth of the ABBA sound.

for gus it was kind of "just for food ".I really enjoy only black, soul ,funk


in stockholm there was plenty of it .since prime minister olof palme

opened the doors to americans who decided to boycott vietnam war.

i met people like jimmy hendrix ,quincy jones ,and even a "beginner" bob marley

Playing with benny and bjorn ,made me mad !their music was too white ! too elaborated to my tatse !

but he praised their methodology ,"we used to play until late at night,we

ate on the go and carried on working,they know exactly what they wanted" .

while he is talking "lycka" album is playing ,we brought to him.he listen

and then comments:"what a crap !" he lower the volume and tell us ,it's

impossible ,neighbours will be shoked!, i play only good music !

more late he hums a title ,hej gamle man ,the first number agnetha and

frida sung on .their first quartet recording and a local hit ,he precised :"i

remember this song ,we did it on stage!

because ,during the following months he tours with the members of the

future ABBA.he participated to the first solo album of frida (?????) ,produced by

Benny."her carrier was not really boosted " then he followed them on their

first incarnation as a cabaret live act known as festfolket "we began on a

restaurant in gotebourg .the audience was nearly null !"
for the members of the band this will remain the worst ,an absolut

desaster in the carrier of four .bjorn remembers and will say "this is

what we would avoid from now on" even Frida and Benny nearly broke up

according to carl magnus palm .Gus remembers especially long winter trips

in a bus ,"the show was perfect but the audience didn't follow.

he remembers a clean image of the groupe "uptight".

of the four he knew benny the most "he was peaceful really nice ,as a musicien a

great improviser ,captured by any new sound ,he played like an

enthusiastic child .artistically he was the most openhearted".

the two ladies were less known to him.about the blonde Agnetha ,he says

she was a sentimental singer ,very talented in that style and even she

won lot of money,she was sensible .she use to sing out of tune ,Beside

that she very beautiful with that long blonde hair ... and that bottom !.

her posterior was a mythical subject during the decade ,conducting

her to prepare responses like "how can i talk about it, i never seen

it!" he adds that she was not as prude as she pretends !!!

regarding the brunette Frida .She was an excellent singer very precise .she

knew lot of old jazz standars and use to improvise scat numbers during the a woman ,she was restrained ,not really joyful,depressed .you

could feel a hard childhood.(frida lost her mother at 2 and was rised by

her grandmother and discovered her father at th age of 31!)

from the two divorces that distroyed Abba (????) it's the late one of

Benny and Frida that didn't surprised him! their relation ship was so passional ,it couldn't survive !

i remember one day in the sauna ,with benny and his back full of scars ;

it was her but he seems not angry at all !

after the festfolket fiasco ,they waited more than one year to collaborate as the foursome

Gus went away,for two reasons :first his divorce from Maritza horn (abba

chorist) and his money needs ,it was hard to resist the temptations ,there

was so much reason to go out and attractive ladies !

he wanted to teach music so he got help from rutger gunnarsson to

integrate the royal swedish academy of music ,he then presented him to

abba members .Rutger will be the bassist of all abba's carrier ."today,he

(rutger)'s got a big mansion near a lake with a boat ,gus sighs ,in his

three rooms appartement in saint jean (switzerland) ,i regretted sometimes

,when i think about the money .but in fact it was not my register at all !

he met abba only one time in 1975 ,the band was already winner of the ESC

and begining to achieve worldwide success .we granted each other ,that's


in 1982 ,he came back to geneva where he actually teaches music . in only one year

it wll be retirement .

my girlfriend is senegalese ,we'll spend winter in africa "

Gus is not embittered ,in the contrary,he has students of 7 years who

want to learn abba songs like thir mothers .he tells with enjoyment !

when he knew them the puzzle pieces were begining to gather ,"they were

sure that they would have success but not at thet level!

whent they understood that the two girls had better voices and images ,it took flight .

their strength emerged because of these contagious melodies that never

become irritating !


my own comment :
lot of false facts easy reliable like the Ensam participation
it was on 1975 and he already left the band plus ; even his wife Maritza wasn't on the album.
But interesting for the archives and the souvenir of an old period not very well documented.

dimanche 31 octobre 2010

Björn Ulvaeus : "we will never reform ABBA"

interview by Ingrid Bernard AND Emilie Cuisinier 30/10/10 at 05.01

At the Crillon hotel Paris that Björn received us in a sumptuous black suit .
far from the Abba frenzy of platform shoes ...
but not without emotion , he remembers some souvenirs.

Björn Ulvaeus was in paris for the Première of Mamma Mia
© Sipa

France-Soir. what do you think of the french version of Mamma Mia ?
Björn Ulvaeus. french is a very beautiful language for singing. the story line is the same everywhere,the difference,is the way the comedians play. the french version is very realistic because the french way is to play very seriously.

F.-S. how do you explain the success of ABBA, still today ?
B. U. i wonder how it can be, how millions around the world know our songs. i can't's a
miracle. i hear all the time people saying that their children listen to Abba. we won a new audience .mothers made their children love them who at their turn made them love to their offspring.

F.-S. did you imagine in the heydays touching several generations ?
B. U. in the 1970s, we were labelled a hit machine. so that it was easy for us. but in fact it was very hard each time . we have never had a magic formula. we just did what we could.

F.-S. what is your best memory from all your carrier ?
B. U. there's plenty. the eurovision in brighton is perhaps the one in 1974. it change everything. we were known only in Scandinavia. the day after, the world was ours...

F.-S. you never made a solo carrier contrarily to the others,.why?
B. U. i had never been a stage monster.i was member of a groups and felt wish was before singing , writing and producing. our last concert was in tokyo and i said to myself : «this is it,it's the end. » some people need the stage, i don't.

F.-S. in 2001, producer offered 1 billion dollars to reform the groupe. why didn't you accept ?
B. U. first , people remember us as ABBA , four young people ambitious and full of, we'll look like a tired copy of the groupe.
second,the project was for one hundred concerts, tons of promotion. i was thinking it will take ten years of my life. Anyway,it's a définitive decision, we will never reform Abba again.

F.-S.what artist are you fan today ?
B. U. I love Lady Gaga. she has irresistible melodies. you think she will be like you and stay popular for such long time ?
B. U. yes, she's got talent for ,the time to grow up and explore differents universes.


vendredi 29 octobre 2010

new interviews in paris of Björn Ulvaeus

picture not included in the original article (just to illustrate)

here is an english translation :

Björn Ulvaeus : “The success of ABBA remain a mystery”

The former member of Abba was thursday in paris to launch the musical "Mamma mia !" at the "mogador" theater

1 ) how did the producer, Judy Craymer, convince you tu use the songs in the musical ?

In the eighties , Judy had already made a project of a TV program using the songs but it wasn't achieved. some few years later, she suggested a musical, written by Catherine Johnson, a very talented auteur. i accepted to the condition that she could use any song, but without changing the lyrics. then the scenarist Phyllida Lloyd went on board, to "give birth" to the musical, eleven years ago in London.

2 )what is,in your opinion, the key to the success of "Mamma Mia " ?

All great musicals have a wonderful story as a plot. Les Misérables, My Fair Lady, West Side Story...

In this case ("Mamma mia !"), i think the success is due to the fact that the songs blend naturally to the story line.

3 )All these songs that remain popular, all these years ?

i never understood why ! . everywhere i go around the world people know them and it's ,i feel,a wonderful feeling.

4 ) French fans will be surprised to hear them in french. was it necessary to translate them to french ?

Yes it's the only way to be carried by the story. and even if you think you know them in english, it's only when you hear them in your native language that you really understand the true meaning . how many times did I hum a Beatles song without knowing the real meaning of it ! (smile).

5 )what do Abba mean in your every day life actually ?

ABBA never leave me. there is not one day without something reminds me of it.and we are very careful to the use of our songs,in the media.

only if one of us four is against ,it's definitively no!

6 )the right wing Danish party used one of your songs (Mamma mia ) without your approval...

This party , that I already knew, transformed it to "Mamma Pia" !, (in tribute to their leader Pia Kjærsgaard,ndlr). we made it clear and they stopped it immediately.we will never let our songs used in a political meaning.the same happened with John McCain. he wanted to use "Take a chance on me" in his campaign against Obama and we refused !

7 )is there a 1 per cent to see you on stage one day with Benny, Frida and Agnetha ?

0% ! if we did it, it will destroy that image of four young ambitious people that you adored in videos !
I would never let that happen!


recent picture of Björn

(well said Bjorn ,own comment)

samedi 16 octobre 2010

AGNETHA a la première de Mamma Mia ! au Danemark

Agnetha  a provoque une grande et agréable surprise en accompagnant Björn a la première de Mamma Mia ! au Danemark,elle est même monte sur scène et ce pour la première fois depuis la création de l'opéra rock base sur les chansons du groupe .

(image courtesy of INTERMEZZO)

vendredi 1 octobre 2010

nouvel interview de Benny Andersson

dans le magazine  suédois VI 

Benny Andersson se confie

ma vie n'as pas été de tout repos ,si succès il y a ,je n'est aucun mérite ,c'est la chance c'est tout

l'homme doit saisir sa chance et savoir la gérer 

la solidarité  est un devoir en suède !

il parle pour la première fois ouvertement de son combat avec l'alcool et comment il est sobre depuis 2001

la vie n'est pas aussi simple

Spriten höll på att ta ABBA-Bennys liv

nouvelles photos d'agnetha

vendredi 17 septembre 2010


19 septembre 2010

Frida n'exclut pas d'enregistrer avec Agnetha , le souhaite , mais craint de n'etre a la hauteur des esperances d'une telle collaboration (en fait , quelqu'un trouvera toujours a en re-dire !) mais elle ne ferme pas toutes les portes .

en ce moment elle ecoute beaucoup "Crossby Still Nash and Young" ainsi que "Chicago" (dont Peter Cetera avait produit l'album 'I stand alone' d'Agnetha ainsi qu'un duo)

lien : (mikory abba blog article suedois traduit en anglais)

apres six ans d'absense

une reprise de "Morning has broken" popularise par Cat Stevens

pour l'entendre : morning has broken frida

mardi 27 avril 2010

news of the world of abba

here is a little blog reporting some interesting articles about ABBA.
there will be french articles translation or english ones
avis aux francophones ,si vous desirez la traduction d'un articles sur ABBA .

online associates degrees